My thoughts and concerns in the political world

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What exactly was in Israel before 1948?

In 1867, Mark Twain described the Holy Land, outside of Jewish settlements:

"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent--not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings..."

After Zionism was established (ie the return of Jews to the Holy Land), Jews bought land from Arabs in area. Most of the land owners did NOT live in the area. In fact many were tax collectors and other business people from Beirut and Damascus. The Syrian prefect, under the Ottoman Empire, was the ruling province over the Holy Land. There of course was no Palestine. In most cases the Jews were charged ridiculously overpriced costs to purchase the mostly baron, desert and marshy land.

Nevertheless, the Jewish settlers escaping oppression came in and made the land pregnant. In fact, it was this ability of the Jews to do so that ultimately attracted Arab settlements (AFTER the fact) to come and permanently settle.

Before that, "historians, demographers, and travelers described the Arab population as 'decreasing,' and the land as 'thinly populated,' 'unoccupied,' 'uninhabited,' and 'almost abandoned.'" (Dershowitz, 2003)

During WW I, Great Britain conquered the Ottoman Empire and created the "British Mandate," which included the land of Syria, Jordan and the Holy Land. As I have mentioned before the Balfour Declaration establish a Jewish homeland. The League of Nations ratified it and the world accepted a Jewish state.

Unfortunately, the Arabs could not stand to have a Jewish state in any part of the Middle East and responded by slaughtering Jews, burning their homes and kicking the Jews out.

By 1929, the connection between anti-Semitism in Europe was synonimous with Arab thought in the Holy Land. The Mufti of Jerusalem, appointed by the UK, turned on the allies and the Jews and helped to prosecute Hitler's "Final Solution."

Jews made the land pregnant, immigrants came in, hated the rightful owners of the land, and tried to exterminate the population.

In 1948, Israel became a state vis a vis the United Nations, with 22 Arab nations (all of them) voting against it. Those same 22 Arab countries then attacked the tiny Jewish state and told the Arab populace that any Arab who became an Arab-Israeli, was a traitor to the cause. This caused the Arab refugee problem that persists today.

Dershowitz, Alan. The Case for Israel. Wiley, 2003: Hobokon, New Jersey.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Jews did not take Arab lands originally

I must sincerely apologize for the delay in posting a new blog however I have been quite busy down at the capitol, school and campaigning for Bonus Member. I am so excited that the voters of the Central Committee voted me back onto the Executive Board of the county party. I thank all of my supporters and campaign workers for making this possible. Together we got more votes than any other Bonus Member. That’s quite an accomplishment.

Thank you,


And now let the blog begin!

OK, so I have recently been confronted with more ignorance of the situation in the Middle East among some of my fellow students. The discussion is of course, yet again, Israel.

One misguided, but I believe well-intentioned, college student, believes that she would harbor the same feelings as the Arab terrorists in the Holy Land because the Jews displaced them and have been “taking their land.”

This situation dates back to the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. There of course never was a “Palestine” state. It was a British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire. Lord Balfour proposed the idea of a Jewish homeland in the Biblical and historical area of Palestine. Jews even after the Diaspora had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. However, Zionism, a political movement designed in the 19th Century by Theodore Herzl gave promise of a return of Jews to their Holy Land. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, Zionism is “the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained.” (

After the British Mandate, Jews did in fact begin escaping persecution from anti-Semitism to come home.

The real question is what was in Palestine?
Was there a Palestinian state? No.

Were there mass amounts of Arabs living there? No.

There were of course Arabs living there, to be sure, however, the land was mostly a baron wasteland with desert, little water and nothing of interest to them. Consequently, the Arabs were more than happy to sell much of this property to the Jewish immigrants, but it was often at ridiculously over-priced costs. In some cases the Arabs charged the Jews 10 or more times the worth of the baron land. Nevertheless, the Jewish fleers of persecution sought to finally come home to join their brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael.

The 1920’s led to the growing anti-Semitism of Europe which is well documented. However, there is unfortunately not a well known, but well documented, growing anti-Semitism in Trans-Jordan (Syria, Jordan, Palestine) as well from the same period. In many instances the Arabs, infuriated that there was a Jewish state emerging in the heart of Islamic country sacked many villages, burnt their houses to the ground, displaced the Jews by taking their communities and killing innocent civilians. The Mufti of Jerusalem was all too eager to join in Hitler’s madness to slaughter the peaceful Jewish people. This came despite the ratification of a Jewish state by many world leaders because of the approval of the Balfour Declaration in 1922 and as well as recognition of the League of Nations.Contrary to liberal dogma, anti-Zionism had absolutely nothing to do with Jewish immigration, nor was it because the Jews took any one’s land. Rather, it was for ONE reason and ONE reason only: Jewish hatredà anti-Semitism. The Arabs simply could not accept a Jewish state in what they viewed as their land, even though they profited greatly from the Jews being there. In fact the Jews literally made Eretz Yisrael pregnant.

Many Muslims died for Nazi Germany and many Jews were slaughtered at the hands of Islamofascists all in the name of Allah and Jihad. The world simply stood by and watched 6 million Jews die in Nazi Germany and thousands persecuted in Israel. In 1948, the Jews finally thought they had received what was rightfully theirs from an even larger world community with the UN passage of Israel as an officially recognized nation. However, the Mufti declared Jihad and called for Israel to be “pushed into the sea.”

Surrounding Arab nations voted against the resolution and immediately declared war on the Jews. The Arabs living in Israel were HIGHLY encouraged by it to stay and become Israeli citizens. However, the Islamofascist Arabs and other Arab leaders falsely warned the Arabs living in Israel of impending disaster, genocide and persecution. Consequently, the many Arabs fled the region causing the ½ million refugee problem that persists today. Interestingly enough, the Arabs who remained did in fact become full fledged citizens of Israel with guaranteed freedoms and voting rights.

Surrounding Arab nations refused to accept their fellow Arab refugees into Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria. Rather, these nations used the refugees as pawns in an international game to win support against the Jewish nation. After the 1967 war, overnight, the name “Palestine” as a nationhood was given birth by Jordanian Arabs suddenly accepting the title that their leader, Yassir Arafat had given them. Palestine as a nation was contrived by Trans-Jordanian Arabs and never existed.

The same strategy of falsely creating a nation was used by Nazi Germany in the Sudentland of Czechoslovakia for a justification of invasion. Hitler did invade Czechoslovakia but not just the Sudentland; he took all of it. Yassir had a good mentor in his uncle the Nazi SS leader, Mufti Haj Amin Muhamed al Husseini.

So, was the refugee problem really created by the Jews?....

More to follow…