My thoughts and concerns in the political world

Friday, November 10, 2006

Neoconservatism: Still a Strong Public Opinion

With the loss of the both houses in the US Congress, one might think that the Republicans are licking their wounds and wondering how something so drastic could have happened to their control of policy making in America. That would certainly be a strong recommendation from activists across the nation who are still steadfast in their central beliefs in small & efficient government, a strong national defense, a business-friendly environment, and a reasonable tax system.Have Republicans lost their message or have they wandered from it?Pork-barrel spending continues to be out of control, just as it was when the Democrats were in control pre-1994. Corruption appears to be just as prevalent as it was when the liberals had the power. Positive change for the middle-class, arguably the backbone of our nation, has been quite similar as it was under a Democratic Congress. So what did the conservative unaffiliated voters and some Republicans do? They punished Republicans. This anti-Republicanism may have spanked the nation more than they know however. I am in agreement with many conservative pundits that Republicans largely lost this election because it was Republicans who had abandoned their principles. The problem is that now that those voters have spanked the Republican Party, they may have punished America in the process.The real question is will the Democrats deliver America what she most desperately needs? Will the Democrats win WW III? Will they keep a pro-business culture but help the middle-class? Will they stop or curtail pork-barrel spending? Time will tell. I am not convinced that the country will be better off now after having punitively hurt the Republicans.Worse, the media frenzy over Rumsfeld’s resignation, and subsequent discussion of the "end of neo-conservatism" may be the largest lost in great political philosophy in our a nation’s history. Neo-conservatism is exactly what it is: open trade, expansionistic of liberal democracy, fundamental family values, pro-capitalistic, pro-business, pro-efficient government with a strong national defense and the fortitude to fight our enemies. We must NEVER lose sight of those fundamental values within the context of that worldview: neo-conservatism. Moreover, to say that neo-conservatism is a ideology that is over is a gross misunderstanding of a great many of Americans who fully understand the threats that we face in 2006 and beyond. Paleo-conservatives and liberals do NOT have an answer to the Islamofascist threat. They do NOT have a plan to integrate the world economy. They do NOT have a plan to help our economy be strong through a pro-consumer market. As of consequence, the only action they can do is protest and complain about the status quo. Unfortunately, that will not help in any one of these important discussions.Defiance.Yeah, I am defiant of America’s decision to oust the Republicans. Sure, I get it! I understand that Iraq is a mess, the middle-class could do better and that the Republican Party has left many of its basic principles. However, to punish the party may have been the worst of all worlds in rewarding the terrorists, even encouraging them, closing down trade, living in a family valueless country, and creating an anti-business environment. I don’t want to be France and I am really worried that is where we are headed.So where are we headed? Much of the next few years will depend upon conservative Democrats, almost all freshmen legislators, bucking the liberal hierarchy of their party, working with President Bush to find common ground and the Republican Party getting back to its principles.Getting back to Republican principles not only means living it (something they have not adequately done), but also promulgating it to American unaffiliated and Democratic patriots. They can do it. The question remains: will they remain a house divided (seeking to supplant either moderates or conservatives within the party) or will they unite under a common banner of optimistic conservatism.A common banner would be a one of a recognition that the country is ready to move to the left (VERY bad idea). So, the best idea for Republicans would be to not move to the center, but embrace the marketplace of ideas (this is acceptance of compromise), send out their message better and LIVE BY THAT MESSAGE! Juxtaposed to that concept should be the idea that Republicans MUST work to get ALL Republicans elected at all levels of government. This should be an amalgamation of their common theme. Unity is paramount!Yeah, the Republicans are divided and they have left the party’s basic tenants. However, now is the time to unite and send a clear message, uncorrupted and without the post-election "Washington as usual" attitude.This attitude can and should be actuated. Moreover, it must be actuated or our nation may be something quite different from what it is currently: the greatest nation to have ever existed.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Supermajority for the initiative!

Is anyone fed up with all the initiatives on our ballots? I am. I am so sick of the plebicite I am ready to write, sponsor and push an initiative to change the initiative process to require a super majority for all initiatives. Think about it. TABOR, Gallagher, Amendment 23, Homestead Act and others act in strange ways in our state's budget. Hello! We live in a "Representative Democracy," not a "Direct Democracy." Moreover, we should all be happy that we do not live a Direct Democracy because the Representative Democracy yields us time to spend on our daily lives without having to worry about the day-to-day specifics of government. We would have never needed a Referendum C had we have had a true Representative Democracy! Join me in supporting an initiative to limit the initiative to a supermajority.

Politics in full swing!

So here we are, a couple a weeks away from what is probably the most important election since 1860. WWIII is real. WWIII is here and no I am most certainly not fearmongering. Moreover I am rather tired of being labeled a "fearmonger" simply because I and others in intelligentsia are calling like it is: WWIII. Osama bin Ladin calls it WWIII, our enemies are chanting "Death to America," and they are scheming and plotting every minute of everyday in how to destroy us. Now is the time for my compatriots on the other side of the isle to stand in unison against the great threat that we face. Put all of the "God, gays and guns" aside for a moment and consider that we a nation at war. We can and should continue the debate over social and economic issues, with civility. However, for the life of me I cannot understand why we are divided over securing our borders and fighting our enemies.

The Democrats want to cut and run and re-deploy to Okinawa at a critical and divisive time in the War on Terror in Iraq. HELLO!!! What message will this send to our enemies? The answer is clear! Crystal clear!!! It emboldens them. Given that the Muslim birth rate is much higher than ours, it is also clear that without a renaissance the enemies will win which why we must take the fight to them and destroy them before they do us.

This is not fearmongering. I stand behind my words in my previous post "A divorce from pessimism: neoconservatism."

My point is that it is the Democrats who are fearmongering. YES, I said it, and with all confidence. They are one's saying we cannot win and we are being defeated. They are the one's claiming that we made a big mistake and should admit it. Democrats say that Bush lied to get oil. That is fearmongering.

Republicans on the other hand are saying we can win in Iraq, criticize the president's tactics if you will but not our strategy. Republicans are optimistic that our deeply held worldview of freedom and democracy can and will win us in this ideological war. We get this tradition from former Professor of Political Science at Princeton University and Democratic President of the United States Woodrow Wilson. FDR, another Democrat also believed in this worldview. If the American left understood our resolve against the Nazi and Japanese regimes of the WWII, enough to drop two a-bombs killing innocent civilians in Japan and carpet bombing German innocents, why does it fail to stomach what it takes to beat our enemies now?

Democrats want to extend Constitutional rights to our enemies! Hello!!! Did we extend it to non-uniformed enemies at anytime in our history? No.

Democrats do not want to monitor phone conversations between suspected terrorists from and to the US with a foreign country. Can you imagine without this program if we had been hit again what the liberals would be saying about President Bush? He would forever be known in infamy. Moreover, this wiretapping method does not and will not ever affect you unless you are communicating over seas with our enemies.

We can win the peace in Iraq and we can destroy our enemies. We must be strong not weak! "America is not for the feighnt hearted. It is for the brave." Ronald Reagan

Get out and vote and vote Republican to send a message to the fearmongering Democrats.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Monster like

A “contiguous state.”

Umm, pardon me for interrupting, but I am appalled at George W Bush’s plan for Israel. I kid you not, I am so with him on his fighting terrorism, but I am so against this idea so announced by the State Department of a “contiguous Palestinian ‘State,” that I am at complete odds with everything he (Bush) does with regard to the “Arab-Israeli” question.

I am afraid that our president has gone on the way side of our righteous mission of REAL PEACE in the Middle East.

We must be vigilant. We MUST see this situation in its true reality.

…[M]ore to come on anti-Semitism in the Arab world and the “Palestinians.”

Israel under attack

Well it seems Israel is under fire again. Why? Because Israel has checkpoints not just in between Israeli territories and “settlements,” and also between its “settlements” and Arab settlements, but also among and in between “Palestinian settlements.”

The reason for this is simple. Rockets and suicide bombers make their origination in Arab settlements inside Israel (West Bank and Gaza) and then are transported to other Arab settlements closer to more prominently Jewish areas of Israel, where they move upon more realistically idealized terrorist activities. These activities result in more slaughtering of innocent people (Jews) within so-called Jewish proper or inside the “Green Line,” and upon Jewish “settlements,” ALL of which are innocent civilians. The IDF policy of check points within its territory of Israel that happens to have predominantly Arab settlements is more than justified in this regard.


This is nothing more than another “happy-go, lucky-go, liberal feel-good” attack on the Israel’s policy of protecting innocents from rockets and suicide bombers. It only makes sense from a pragmatic point of view that Israel would have check points between “Palestinian” settlements. Israel has a right to protect itself and Israel ALWAYS does so with the utmost restraint. Nevertheless, the left continues to denounce this simple fact.

Moreover, it is an anathema that a free democratic, liberal state, that protects the rights of all its citizens regardless of race, creed, religion, sex, or sexual preference would be under the attack of the left. It is quite hypocritical for the left to view this situation as a human rights issue in a “Pro-Palestinian” view.

“Palestinian” Arabs want the complete and utter destruction of Israel (anti-Semitc); they want to destroy the infidels (bigoted), and they hate America, quite contrary to President George W Bush’s Bush Doctrine.

We must be vigilant.

We must not allow the leftists to redefine these honorable and legal checkpoints.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Just say NO to the Road Map

Here is my letter President George W Bush. Please Pardon the direct repeats of analysis.

Dear Mr. President,

Again, I am so eternally grateful that it is YOU and not Senator John Kerry who is residing in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Your leadership in keeping the tax cuts permanent, Social Security reform, environmental issues, energy reform, the No Child Left Behind Act, keeping our nation within the gamut morality, your outstanding commitment to Homeland Security and the prosecution of the War on Terror is not only commendable, but I am confident that of all of this will go down in history in the permanent goodness that it deserves. Moreover, the Bush Doctrine is the model by which future presidents (even if they are center-left) will undoubtedly (and rightfully so) have to maintain with regard to American security. Our nation, and indeed the world, will be much better because of your leadership.

Your leadership with regard to Arab terrorism in Israel however is something amiss, in my opinion. I do not fully understand why you and your great administration, full of such bright people, would advocate a terrorist, contiguous state next to Israel, arguably our best friend and ally in the world. The Road Map is definitely one thing that I would think your administration would oppose, given your stance on Islamic radical terrorists against the United States. So why is it, Mr. President, that you are forcing Jews to succumb to the terrorists against Israel? I think that the State of Israel and Jewry (and Zionist Christians) worldwide demand an explanation of your position. "Palestine," historically, has never been a state. Rather it was a region, so labeled by the anti-Semitic Roman Empire, which forcibly removed Jews from their land--creating the Diaspora.

Much later, there was very little there. In 1867, Mark Twain described the Holy Land, outside of Jewish settlements:"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent--not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings..."

After Zionism was established (i.e. the return of Jews to the Holy Land), Jews bought land from Arabs in area. Most of the land owners did NOT live in the area. In fact many were tax collectors and other business people from Beirut and Damascus. The Syrian prefect, under the Ottoman Empire, was the ruling province over the Holy Land. There of course was no Palestine. In most cases the Jews were charged ridiculously overpriced costs to purchase the mostly baron, desert and marshy land. (Dershowitz, 2003)Nevertheless, the Jewish settlers escaping oppression came in and made the land pregnant. In fact, it was this ability of the Jews to do so that ultimately attracted Arab settlements (AFTER the fact) to come and permanently settle. (Singer, 2005)Before that, "historians, demographers, and travelers described the Arab population as 'decreasing,' and the land as 'thinly populated,' 'unoccupied,' 'uninhabited,' and 'almost abandoned.'" (Dershowitz, 2003)After WW I, Great Britain conquered the Ottoman Empire and created the "British Mandate," which included the land of Syria, Jordan and the Holy Land. As I have mentioned to you and others before the Balfour Declaration establish a Jewish homeland then. The League of Nations ratified it and the League of Nations accepted a Jewish state. (Palestine Facts, British Mandate)Unfortunately, the Arabs could not stand to have a Jewish state in any part of the Middle East and responded by slaughtering Jews, burning their homes and kicking the Jews out. (Dershowitz, 2003)By 1929, the connection between anti-Semitism in Europe was synonymous with Arab thought in the Holy Land. The Mufti of Jerusalem, appointed by the UK, turned on the allies and the Jews and helped to prosecute Hitler's "Final Solution." (Free Republic, The Arab-Nazi Connection)Jews made the land pregnant, immigrants came in, hated the rightful owners of the land, and tried to exterminate the population. (Singer, 2005)In 1948, Israel became a worldwide recognized state vis a vis the United Nations, with 22 Arab nations (all of them) voting against it. Those same 22 Arab countries then attacked the tiny Jewish state and told the Arab populace that any Arab who became an Arab-Israeli, was a traitor to the cause. This caused the Arab refugee problem that persists today. (Dershowitz, 2003)

Speaking of today, why is it that indigenous natives of America are not blowing themselves up in Colorado or Nebraska or Arizona or New Mexico or other states of America? Why is it okay for America to "occupy" what was Mexico? Given the argument of "Palestinian" Arabs, should I not give up my apartment in Fort Collins, Colorado to Native Americans or to Mexico? If this argument is true, then I currently reside in "OCCUPIED" Fort Collins, Colorado. Ought we not create a contiguous Native American nation? Or perhaps we should allow for the land taken from Mexico to be given back: including Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah and California?

Mr. President, I am neither a bigot nor am I a racist against Arabs. Nor am I racist in any regard. In fact I ARDENTLY support your immigration reform with regard to undocumented workers in America. Rather, I wish real peace in the Middle East. However, I want you to imagine a defiant Japan after WW II (or Germany for that matter). We won the war, right? There was not a call for Americans to "give up land" to the losers, was there? Did Japan demand that we give them Hawaii? In that same regard, we did not "give up land" to Mexico before that, did we? So why are the Jews subjected to a different standard?

In 1948, 1967 and in the Yom Kippur war, Israel gained land EVERY time. Why must the Jews make concessions for that in negotiating a true peace? President Jimmy Carter facilitated the "peace" with Israel and Egypt, but again, the Jews made most of the concessions after having won a war.
Sir, it is Israel, not the Arabs who want real peace. The peace of democracy, of which we both agree is the ultimate solution, is most definitely NOT what "Palestinian" Arabs want. Rather, democracy is a means to an end for these terrorists. Ultimately, this is the complete destruction of the DEMOCRATIC and FREE State of Israel. Even Pro-Palestinian groups' polling shows us this. As an example, the PMLA poll which revealed that 51% of "Palestinians" seek the complete destruction of Israel. (Facts of Israel, 2002) This is inconsistent with your vision under the Road Map, even if democratically elected.

Moreover, living standards and education are NOT the reason for Arab terror against Israel. In fact, "Palestinians" have the highest number of PhD's in the Arab World. Rather, it is, in fact, NAZI anti-Semitism, as taught in mosques, by imams and in the Arab (and Islamist) media. (Dobro, 2003)

So the question becomes, how do we deal with this? Is it by supplicating to terrorism? I would argue that if Israel were the 51st state of the United States that your stance would undoubtedly be quite different from the Road Map. So why is it that we hold the Jews to a different standard?The time has come for one of the greatest administrations in American history to see the Arab-Israeli situation for what it is. The entire Islamic world teaches anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism. Our mutual fight of the West and Jews which include the civilized world should be unified, not divided. Please reconsider your position on the Road Map. A contiguous terrorist state, which will only breed more anti-American terrorists is most certainly NOT in the spirit of the Bush Doctrine, nor is it within the spirit of REAL peace, coexistence, freedom of religion or democracy.

Again, I am still most thankful that YOU are the one leading our nation (and our world). However, I firmly believe that we must reconsider the Israel question with regard to the status quo of your present administration.

KNOW, that I am and will continue to be your faithful (and staunch) ally in America (being the former President of the College Republicans at Colorado State University and currently a Bonus Member of the Larimer County Republican Party Executive Board). However, I must hold an ardent position against your policy with regard to Israel and I will continue to inform members of the party (and anyone who will listen) that your Road Map is, quite plainly, the WRONG vision for the Middle East. Moreover, your supporting of Israel releasing terrorists and a contiguous terrorist state will most certainly serve to undermine the very tenants of your policy with regard to our US Homeland Security.

Hence, the time has come for you to act (in good faith) upon the evidence that truly exists with regard to our friend Israel. We must denounce PM Ariel Sharon's unilateral withdrawal of Jewish "settlements" and we must resolve to find a REAL solution to the ongoing challenge of "Palestinian" refugees. If you should be so willing to be inclined, I would happily assist to provide for a solution (a real one) that seeks to uplift the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza and will actually resolve the settlement question. I firmly believe that there IS an answer to the madness that persists, but it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the Road Map.

Altering your position on the Road Map would NOT be a flip flop. You could extend political capital to modify your position quite easily. There is nothing wrong with reviewing the facts and modifying your position, given the overwhelming evidence of anti-Americanism within the Palestinian Authority (INCLUDING Abu Mazen).

May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you; may our mutual savior Jesus Christ be the one of redemption; and may there truly be peace on Earth.

God Bless you, God Bless America, and God Bless the USA.

Yours Sincerely,

Wendell Charles Fogland
525 E Drake Rd 111b
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dershowitz, Alan. The Case for Israel. Wiley, 2003: Hobokon, New Jersey.

Dobro, Neil. Israel and America: A Common Destiny. December, 2003. Colorado State University.

Facts of Israel. Poll: Majority of Palestinians support homicide/suicide bombings and wish for the destruction of the State of Israel. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on 8 June 2005:

Free Republic. The Arab-Nazi Connection. Taken from the World Wide Web on 8 June 2005:

Palestine Facts. British Mandate. Taken from the World Wide Wibe on 8 June 2005:

Singer, Tovia, Rabbi. Israel National Radio. Taken from the World Wide Web (repeatedly):

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What exactly was in Israel before 1948?

In 1867, Mark Twain described the Holy Land, outside of Jewish settlements:

"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent--not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings..."

After Zionism was established (ie the return of Jews to the Holy Land), Jews bought land from Arabs in area. Most of the land owners did NOT live in the area. In fact many were tax collectors and other business people from Beirut and Damascus. The Syrian prefect, under the Ottoman Empire, was the ruling province over the Holy Land. There of course was no Palestine. In most cases the Jews were charged ridiculously overpriced costs to purchase the mostly baron, desert and marshy land.

Nevertheless, the Jewish settlers escaping oppression came in and made the land pregnant. In fact, it was this ability of the Jews to do so that ultimately attracted Arab settlements (AFTER the fact) to come and permanently settle.

Before that, "historians, demographers, and travelers described the Arab population as 'decreasing,' and the land as 'thinly populated,' 'unoccupied,' 'uninhabited,' and 'almost abandoned.'" (Dershowitz, 2003)

During WW I, Great Britain conquered the Ottoman Empire and created the "British Mandate," which included the land of Syria, Jordan and the Holy Land. As I have mentioned before the Balfour Declaration establish a Jewish homeland. The League of Nations ratified it and the world accepted a Jewish state.

Unfortunately, the Arabs could not stand to have a Jewish state in any part of the Middle East and responded by slaughtering Jews, burning their homes and kicking the Jews out.

By 1929, the connection between anti-Semitism in Europe was synonimous with Arab thought in the Holy Land. The Mufti of Jerusalem, appointed by the UK, turned on the allies and the Jews and helped to prosecute Hitler's "Final Solution."

Jews made the land pregnant, immigrants came in, hated the rightful owners of the land, and tried to exterminate the population.

In 1948, Israel became a state vis a vis the United Nations, with 22 Arab nations (all of them) voting against it. Those same 22 Arab countries then attacked the tiny Jewish state and told the Arab populace that any Arab who became an Arab-Israeli, was a traitor to the cause. This caused the Arab refugee problem that persists today.

Dershowitz, Alan. The Case for Israel. Wiley, 2003: Hobokon, New Jersey.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Jews did not take Arab lands originally

I must sincerely apologize for the delay in posting a new blog however I have been quite busy down at the capitol, school and campaigning for Bonus Member. I am so excited that the voters of the Central Committee voted me back onto the Executive Board of the county party. I thank all of my supporters and campaign workers for making this possible. Together we got more votes than any other Bonus Member. That’s quite an accomplishment.

Thank you,


And now let the blog begin!

OK, so I have recently been confronted with more ignorance of the situation in the Middle East among some of my fellow students. The discussion is of course, yet again, Israel.

One misguided, but I believe well-intentioned, college student, believes that she would harbor the same feelings as the Arab terrorists in the Holy Land because the Jews displaced them and have been “taking their land.”

This situation dates back to the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. There of course never was a “Palestine” state. It was a British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire. Lord Balfour proposed the idea of a Jewish homeland in the Biblical and historical area of Palestine. Jews even after the Diaspora had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. However, Zionism, a political movement designed in the 19th Century by Theodore Herzl gave promise of a return of Jews to their Holy Land. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, Zionism is “the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained.” (

After the British Mandate, Jews did in fact begin escaping persecution from anti-Semitism to come home.

The real question is what was in Palestine?
Was there a Palestinian state? No.

Were there mass amounts of Arabs living there? No.

There were of course Arabs living there, to be sure, however, the land was mostly a baron wasteland with desert, little water and nothing of interest to them. Consequently, the Arabs were more than happy to sell much of this property to the Jewish immigrants, but it was often at ridiculously over-priced costs. In some cases the Arabs charged the Jews 10 or more times the worth of the baron land. Nevertheless, the Jewish fleers of persecution sought to finally come home to join their brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael.

The 1920’s led to the growing anti-Semitism of Europe which is well documented. However, there is unfortunately not a well known, but well documented, growing anti-Semitism in Trans-Jordan (Syria, Jordan, Palestine) as well from the same period. In many instances the Arabs, infuriated that there was a Jewish state emerging in the heart of Islamic country sacked many villages, burnt their houses to the ground, displaced the Jews by taking their communities and killing innocent civilians. The Mufti of Jerusalem was all too eager to join in Hitler’s madness to slaughter the peaceful Jewish people. This came despite the ratification of a Jewish state by many world leaders because of the approval of the Balfour Declaration in 1922 and as well as recognition of the League of Nations.Contrary to liberal dogma, anti-Zionism had absolutely nothing to do with Jewish immigration, nor was it because the Jews took any one’s land. Rather, it was for ONE reason and ONE reason only: Jewish hatredà anti-Semitism. The Arabs simply could not accept a Jewish state in what they viewed as their land, even though they profited greatly from the Jews being there. In fact the Jews literally made Eretz Yisrael pregnant.

Many Muslims died for Nazi Germany and many Jews were slaughtered at the hands of Islamofascists all in the name of Allah and Jihad. The world simply stood by and watched 6 million Jews die in Nazi Germany and thousands persecuted in Israel. In 1948, the Jews finally thought they had received what was rightfully theirs from an even larger world community with the UN passage of Israel as an officially recognized nation. However, the Mufti declared Jihad and called for Israel to be “pushed into the sea.”

Surrounding Arab nations voted against the resolution and immediately declared war on the Jews. The Arabs living in Israel were HIGHLY encouraged by it to stay and become Israeli citizens. However, the Islamofascist Arabs and other Arab leaders falsely warned the Arabs living in Israel of impending disaster, genocide and persecution. Consequently, the many Arabs fled the region causing the ½ million refugee problem that persists today. Interestingly enough, the Arabs who remained did in fact become full fledged citizens of Israel with guaranteed freedoms and voting rights.

Surrounding Arab nations refused to accept their fellow Arab refugees into Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria. Rather, these nations used the refugees as pawns in an international game to win support against the Jewish nation. After the 1967 war, overnight, the name “Palestine” as a nationhood was given birth by Jordanian Arabs suddenly accepting the title that their leader, Yassir Arafat had given them. Palestine as a nation was contrived by Trans-Jordanian Arabs and never existed.

The same strategy of falsely creating a nation was used by Nazi Germany in the Sudentland of Czechoslovakia for a justification of invasion. Hitler did invade Czechoslovakia but not just the Sudentland; he took all of it. Yassir had a good mentor in his uncle the Nazi SS leader, Mufti Haj Amin Muhamed al Husseini.

So, was the refugee problem really created by the Jews?....

More to follow…

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Nazi Arabs in Berkeley

True to their form, the Nazis reveal their colors in Berkeley.

The Arabs do NOT want to acknowledge any kind of Jewish state.

Hitler propagandized that the Jews control the media, so do the Arabs.

Terrorism MUST be combatted!

Israel votes more often with the United States than any other nation in the UN.